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Saved Blocks

Use the saved blocks feature to save some time on the email template production. Share headers, footers and partials of the email.

Tomas Sek avatar
Written by Tomas Sek
Updated over a year ago

This feature can help you to use similar structures in more templates - header, footer, block with social networks, or contact info. You start by creating a custom block with your social network icons for your email template, and after that, you save it into saved blocks.

Don't forget to name it correctly. Once the block is saved, you can use it in any other template you create, as well as edit it. You will find it under Content, the Saved tab. Then, simply drag it into the layout wherever you want.


You can also manage all the saved blocks in the editor, where you can delete or rename them.

If you have a Team subscription, use this feature across the teams, you just have to decide if you save the block as a team or as your personal saved blocks.


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