How to integrate Zoho Marketing Automation?
Register to Zoho Marketing Automation
To register for Zoho Marketing Automation or to sign up, proceed to
Enable integration to
In your account, go to the Integrations tab.
Display the list of Available integrations and search for Zoho Marketing Automation.
Click the Enable button and enter your custom integration name and your Zoho account email into the modal window.
Confirm by clicking the Enable integration button.
Redirect to Zoho Marketing Automation
Upon confirmation, you will be redirected to the Zoho Marketing Automation page.
After logging in, you will be asked to permit Topol to access data in your Zoho account.
Redirect back to
Upon confirmation, you will be redirected back to the Integrations tab of your Topol Account.
Zoho Marketing Automation will be listed among Active Integrations.
Integration has been successful.
Export template from
Navigate to any template.
To the left, you will see an option to export the template to Zoho Marketing (your custom integration name will also be displayed here). Select this option.
A modal window will appear, where you will be prompted to select a List (already existing contact list in Zoho Marketing Automation) and the Topic of your template.
Confirm by clicking on the Export button.